Angel Readings by Gigi

Congratulations on your new website, Gigi. In my experience YOU are the angel!

Kamala Kadley
Laguna Woods, CA

By the time I met with Gigi this summer I felt I was trudging through most mornings -- and I felt a bit stuck in my work and some of my relationships, even depressed. I had meditated and practiced yoga for years and had come to accept that life as a working mother was bound to be overwhelming on most days. Among many other very accurate things Gigi told me about my life and personality, she said that "my angel Claire wanted to help me appreciate beauty more and become more lighthearted." She said, "I had been stuck in a tunnel but that suddenly life would change like the turn of a kaleidoscope and flow more easily." For weeks I looked for physical signs of Claire but saw nothing. And yet dramatic changes started happening in my life -- I felt more present and joyful, I noticed that I was receiving astounding gifts from friends and loved ones. I felt less bothered by trivial annoyances -- on a creative level, everything just came together, without struggle. I can hardly explain it myself -- talk with Gigi and find out for yourself.

Brooklyn, NY

Dear Gigi, I just wanted to tell you how incredibly transformative it has been since meeting my guardian angel through you last month. My life has changed in so many ways -- all for the better. Thank you for introducing me to "Michelle" and to the power of these divine forces who are here to guide and assist us. Your reading had greatly impacted the way I think, feel, and approach life. It also confirmed what I was already sensing intuitively. I am eternally grateful and I think about you very often. I hope you and your angels are protecting you and making sure you are blessed with excellent health, prosperity and love.

Pauline L.
New York, NY

Gigi works diligently to clearly receive and express the Angels' love and messages for her clients. Sincerity, integrity, and a deep desire to honor the loving presence of the Angelic Realm describe Gigi's beautiful energy. She takes her role as a messenger seriously and her clients benefit from the life changing messages she delivers from their Angels.

Candy Danzis, O.M., R.M.T.
Mechanicsburg, PA

The identification of a personal and specific angelic presence in my life has supported me in myriad ways; from simplistic to the profound. I am deeply grateful to Ms. Stybr for her insightful, provocative session. She is truly a gifted connection to a higher realm.

Susan B. Turner, M.A., LCADC
Montclair, NJ

I've been wanting to write and let you know how grateful I am for our reading last night. It left me feeling reassured, powerful and centered. I feel so close to my Angel Patricia. It's thrilling to read the notes and know that she was/is "speaking" to me. I kept forgetting it was you actually speaking because all the messages were so meaningful and based on what's really happening in my life. Very helpful!

Brenda H., New Jersey

Some time ago I had my angel reading with Gigi. It was a time when I felt uneasy about something I couldn't bring to the surface. However, I realized that whatever it was, it was holding me back in all aspects of my life. Hence the angel reading with Gigi was my last resource to shed light on the issue. and boy, was that angel reading shedding a powerful light on to it! The most amazing thing was the incredible feeling of peace surrounding me during the session! I got my answers and not one of them I had expected. but I knew that was it! I felt relief and that a huge burden had been taken off my shoulders. Gigi has definitely a very special access to the angelic world and I highly recommend her to anybody who seeks unusual answers from a higher realm.

Walter Groth
Ulm, Germany

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the wonderful insight that Gigi has been able to bring to my life through my Angel "Valerie." I contacted Gigi after having left my marriage of 10 years. Gigi's guidance, support, wisdom and beautiful uplifting spirit has helped me enormously to find my new path in my life.

KR, Singapore

After my angel reading with Gigi I had an exciting experience and it was a confirmation from my angel. Gigi told me that my angel's name was "Adrian," and that he would give me a sign (through his name.) I didn't think much about this actually happening since "Adrian" is not a common name. But as my husband and I were walking our dogs we decided to take a different street than usual. A mother and two young toddlers were coming towards us and while we were passing them, I heard the mother ask her child to make room for our dogs. She addressed him by name - "Adrian!" Then I knew "Adrian" was real!

Debbie G.
Redwood City, CA

Gigi's soft smooth voice and deep connection with Spirit led me to a state of peaceful relaxation as I began to truly trust my Angel's guidance and wisdom.

A. C. New York, NY

In the challenging environment of International Finance, any advantage that can be leveraged to create an edge is beneficial. My sessions with Gigi Stybr have resulted in "real world," concrete results in my professional endeavors. Gigi has a talent for turning esoteric information into hard useable advice and guidance. Awareness equals profit.

Marc-Andre Buenger
Investment Banker
New York, NY

Since meeting my Angel " Jenna" through a reading with Gigi Stybr, my life is sweeter by far! My relationship with my Angel has become stronger than I imagined it could; her lovely wings encircle my car that I know every journey is a safe one. Her soft diplomacy repairs any slips of my tongue, and I am guided in matters of health and finances. It is certain that "Jenna" shuttles between God and me, bringing heavenly wisdom to my day-to-day life. Thank you, my Angel, thank you, Gigi.

Cris Potter
Oceanside, CA

I just loved my angel reading with Gigi. It was fantastic to be able to get a description and a name for my angel and now I feel her strongly whenever I communicate with her. Gigi was also very insightful in bringing through information about what my angel was helping me with this year and that the angels have been protecting our child that we wished to conceive and that it should happen soon.  She was right on, because four months later, I conceived!  Thank you to Gigi and the glorious angels.

Jillian Auberger, Ph.D.
Emerald Hills, CA

Durch Gigi bin ich mit meinem Engel Elisabeth zum ersten Mal in Kontakt getreten. Seit ich ihren Namen weiss, bitte ich sie immer wieder um Hilfe und werde auf sanfte Art und Weise gefuehrt. Mein Engel ist immer bereit, mir zu helfen und findet geniale Loesungen fuer meine Alltagsprobleme. Gigi's readings sind wunderbar, erfrischend und so positiv. Durch ihre engelhafte Art uebermittelt sie Botschaften und zeigt mir auf, wo ich feststecke. Ihre Readings helfen mir, mich selbst zu verstehen und mir neue Ziele zu setzen. Dank Gigi weiss ich jetzt, dass ich nicht allein bin und mein Engel mich ueberall hin begleitet.

G.B. Bregenz, Austria

Since my first Angel session with Gigi, I have found great solace in knowing I am not alone on this journey. I speak with my Guardian Angel "Michael" each day. He helps me find things, leads the way when I travel, embraces me when I need a hug or support. When I'm unsure what to do, I find books, artifacts or get exactly the phone call I need. Recently, when Gigi sent out a "reminder" to ask for a sign of our Guardian Angels, I did just that. Before I went to bed I felt compelled to read an article in a magazine and the author said, "It is me, Michael." It worked just like Gigi said.

Barbara Soriano
North Caldwell, NJ

Thank you, Gigi! I loved my session!!

Anja B.
Montclair, NJ

To book an Angel reading, please call or email Gigi.