Angel Readings by Gigi

In June 2006 I had been struggling with my decision to leave teaching.  I asked my Angel “Michael” for one strong sign and I promised to follow the message.  That evening I went to professional meeting with my husband.  At the end of the evening, a woman I had never met before asked if she could speak with me.  Her name was Ruth.  She told me she was a teacher for 38 years, and never thought she could be without her students and did not think they could be without her…  She told me,  “If you ever get the opportunity to leave teaching, just take it.”   I told her - as the hair stood up on my arm -  “You are exactly the person I was meant to speak with tonight.”  She leaned into me and said,  “People tell me I have a way of delivering the Lord's message.”  Later on when I asked people if they knew Ruth, whose team was Ruth on, etc… no one knew Ruth or had a Ruth on their team.  I never saw her again.  My husband told me on the way home, there was no member of the group named Ruth.  She was an Angel!

Barbara Soriano,  North Caldwell,  NJ

Walk with Angels Today

My husband and I just returned from Italy and spent some time in Florence with our friends. We walked through the tiny streets, six adults plus two small children in strollers... and we couldn't find a suitable trattoria to accommodate us since most places are very small... cute, but small. I became nervous and everyone was hungry. I said out loud, but no one could hear me, "My angel Beatrice, please help us find a place."

I have to say, it was less than an instant that a waiter saw us and came out of a place that looked like nothing when we asked him if he could accommodate all of us, plus strollers and children, and he said "of course" and led us to a large room that looked like a fairy tale. The walls were hand painted with fireworks, there was a long table set with lighted candelabras for exactly the number of us. There were antiques and chandeliers and it looked like the interior of a beautiful castle. It was as if my angel Beatrice had designed the room herself and led us there.

Denise F.,  New York

When I walk, I am never alone. My Angels have been there for me since the beginning of time when my soul first arrived. It wasn't until one glorious day, when my Angels came out to play. It is a feeling that can't be described; it will live forever in heart and my duty to spread love will never be torn apart. My brothers of the white feather always come back together. The energy of their love and power hits me hard that powers out the street lights in the night. My Angels fly by my side all the time, providing me with a fountain youth that flows through my veins of truth. Their strength and might has brought me back from death many times gaining another chance to fight for what is right in life. My heart bleeds love and respect for these soldiers of God who battle for Truth, bringing me back home one day to my skies of Blue!

Brad  Blue Bull,  CA

While creating this website I had the numerology analysis done for two different web site titles.  This gave me a choice between the numbers 3 + 7 or 4 + 8.  I wasn't quite sure which number to use.  I told my husband about my little dilemma while standing in line at L.A.X. to go through security before our flight to London.  As I took a plastic tray at the conveyor to put my purse in, I noticed that the number on the tray was "37."  My heart skipped a beat.  I immediately knew it was a message from my Guardian Angel "Wilhelm" to tell me which number to choose.  Thank you, Wilhelm.


While cleaning our bird cage, one of the finches escaped.  Immediately I closed all the windows and doors of the house, but the little guy was nowhere to be seen. I  searched upstairs, downstairs, the kitchen, the stairs, every room.  I moved the furniture, looked under beds and sofas, to no avail.  I searched for three hours.  Finally, discouraged and sad, I knelt down on the living room floor, covered my face with my hands and cried.  Apparently I had lost my feathered friend.   Then I remembered to ask my Guardian Angel "Sheila" for help.  As I spoke to "Sheila,"  I instantly felt a rush of comfort.  When I opened my eyes again, my little finch was sitting right in front of me on the carpet. Normally finches are incredibly difficult to catch, but I just had to reach out with my hand and he didn't try to get away.  Soon I placed him back into the cage with his fellow birds.  He immediately started to pick at his seeds and took a drink of water.   He was fine.  I thanked my Angel "Sheila" and promised to call upon her more often.

S.T.,  NJ

A few years ago, I was walking my dog, Shadow, outside my apartment building in Brooklyn.  Two young men, perhaps teenagers, appeared and deliberately pushed me.  I am normally a non-aggressive person, but their behavior enraged me and I pushed one of them into some bushes.  The other one grabbed me from behind and his companion jumped up and began to beat me violently.  I fell and tried to get to my feet again, but it seemed to spur their anger.  At that moment, a tall young man, perhaps in his twenties, literally appeared out of nowhere.  He was dark, with a moustache, and wore a long, navy-blue coat.  He didn't say a thing, but simply stood there and stared at my assailants.  They quickly walked away.   I got to my feet to thank the man, but he had disappeared.  I looked up and down the street, but he was nowhere to be seen.  I knew at that moment, intuitively, that I had been rescued by an Angel.

Charlie S.,  NY

Several years ago in Stuttgart, Germany, I drove to the airport to pick up my husband Purcell who was arriving from Brussels.  I parked my little VW Beetle, closed the door and ooops.. my purse was sitting on the passenger seat.  I had looked myself out.  (This was in the days when you still had to lock your car with a key.)  What a shock.   I didn't know what to do.  I needed to meet my husband, but I couldn't possibly leave my purse just like this in the car.   At this moment a young man in overalls with an AVIS sign came walking towards me.   He was carrying a tool case.  I took a few steps in his direction and said,  "I locked myself out of my car.  Could you please help me and open it?"   He smiled.  "Oh, no problem and went to work with a wire."  (Could you imagine a situation like this at JFK, O'Hare or L.A.X. airports? Unthinkable!)  Without asking any questions the young man broke into my car within 15 seconds and opened the door.  I could hardly believe my luck.  I sighed,  "Thank you so much."  But as I turned around to look at him he had disappeared.  Relieved and stunned, I took my purse, locked my car again and walked to the arrivals area to meet my husband.  Only much later I realized that I had been rescued by an Angel.


If you would like to share a personal Angel experience (story, poem) with Gigi, you are welcome to send her an email.   Please state your consent for publication and if or how you want your name to appear (full name or just initials).